Arduino "how to" videos

Här nedan presenteras Arduino Sveriges egna how-to videos på små roliga arduinoprojekt.

Filmer (skrolla ner):

1. Linjär enhet/ liniar actuator för ex. CNC z-axel

2. How to control 220 V using arduino in a safe and very simple way 

1. Linjär enhet/ liniar actuator för ex. CNC z-axel

I den här videon bygger jag en linjärenhet av gamla delar från en skrivare. Ett av de medföljande standardexemplen i arduino mjukvaran "Stepper one revolation" används för att kontrollera en stegmotor från en gammal Epson skrivare. Hittade inget datablad på motorn med fick den att fungera bra efter lite trial and error.

Jag driver motorn med ett 9V batteri och en vanlig L298 motordrivare från ebay. Lyckligtvis passade drivremmen direkt på stegmotorns drivhjul så jag behövde bara borra nya hål i metallskenan för motorfästen. Jag har allstå tagit bort den "vanliga" dc motorn som driver remmen i skrivaren och ersatt den med en stegmotor från en annan skrivare. Stegmotorns tidigare funktion i skrivaren var att mata fram papper.

2. How to switch high volt 220v or 110v devices on and off with an arduino board, a relay and a wireless transmitter and reciever.

Yesterday, I came across an interesting device that has opened up new opportunities for my arduino based projects. This device is a wireless transmitter for self-learning recievers like power switches. NO ARDUINO CODING is neccesary to transmit the signal.

An example of how simple it can be to control high power mains using arduino.

It is very simple:
1. Get a NEXA self learning wireless power switch that will fit your main power supply (220v or 110v).

2. Get a NEXA WTB-912 transmittor. (Kjell och Company Rocks!)

3. Plug in the power switch to your mains.                                                       

4. Press the self learning button on this switch for two seconds until a led begin to blink.                                                                                                                           
5. Connect the two cables from ant of the two channels on the transmitter device
    to teach the power switch that this transmitter will control in the future. This transmitter has two channels
    (S1 and S2), meaning that you can use TWO NEXA receivers from this device (I only use one in the

6. You will hear two distinkt klicks from the power switch when the transmitter signal has been recieved..

7. Now you are all set to go. All you have to do to turn the power switch on is to connect the two wires
    from the transmitter... The transmitter runs on a small 3V litium battery that will eventually need to be
    replaced, but it will perform many thousands of switchings before this happens. 

This is an example of how to safely switch 220v or 110v volt with arduino:

1. Modify and upload the blink sketch from the arduino blink example (or copy the code below).


int led = 13;                                    

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset: 

void setup() {                                // initialize the digital pin as an output. 

  pinMode(led, OUTPUT); 
 }                                                     // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: 

void loop() { 
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);              // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW 
  delay(4000);                                                // wait four seconds
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);                // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW 
  delay(4000);                                               // wait four seconds 


2. Connect the arduino board to a relay. I used a 4
    channel relay bord.

3. Connect the transmittor to the relay board
    according to the sketch:

4. Hook up your USB or other power source to the

5. Marvel at the magic of switching a high volt lamp
    on and off and begin exploring the new world of
    opportunities that has just been opened!